Information Architecture and PowerDesigner (SAP White paper feedback)

Richard Ordowich talks about how IT alignment from the business point of view, the future of IT and the vital importance of Information Architecture for every enterprise.


Ordowich, R (2012). Information Architecture and PowerDesigner, SAP, Retrieved on 4 October, 2013, from

E-business Strategy – ( Webinar feedback)

Sourabh Hajela defines E-business “as the use of internet for business” Similarly Sourabh Hajela views the term “internet”  to include all technologies and applications enabled by the internet . In the same way, according to Sourabh Hajela the “use” deals with the business benefit for instance reaching an undeserved market, higher revenues.

Sourabh Hajela itemizes the five vital dimensions necessary to measure e-business strategy , mainly of these are;

  • The business models
  • The channel
  • The Partnership
  • Universal Resource Locator (URL)
  • Community

Sourabh Hajela besides pin points that e-business value can be measured adequately in the ability to turn website visitors/guest to “repeat” customers through a standard e-capability. That is the link between creating interest acquisition and retention should be centered on the customers.

Sourabh Hajela as well enumerates that the five core dimensions/processes essential for e-business strategy to build a solid business, profitable business and allow for a standard business model are;

  • e-sell
  • e-make
  • e-strategy
  • e-buy
  • e-service

In brief, it might be concluded from this webinar, that e-business is an important process that creates value to every aspect of ones business especially with the rapid  advancement of social media which connects business and builds value for businesses. The webinar has comprehensively discussed how to achieve e-business success and how organization can utilize the platform


Hajela, S (2013). E-business Strategy – Profit from the Net. Retrieved 4 October, 2013 from

Success Factors (White Paper on Moving Mountains)

This white paper discusses about how most companies place more importance to strategy rather than the process or means of carrying out these execution which results to a higher percentage of the financial stability of the organization.

The paper went further to explain that in driving strategic change many companies have advanced tools and perspectives to analyze and deduce their business results, but not all have systems and business procedures that gives room for advanced insight into understanding and engineering how employees drive these results. The paper quotes that few leaders can truly say “I have tools that tell me what everyone is working on and how well they are performing.” However, this lack of insight into people performance is amazing considering that people are the company’s largest cost and have the greatest influence on company performance. This white paper finally concludes by describing that what we clearly see from our customers is that the more strategically they use performance and talent management software, the higher the value they obtained from the investment.


Berggren, E. and Messick, K. (2005) Moving Moutains. USA, HBS press. Retrieved 2 October, 2013 from

Summary of interview session with Chris Procter

Hello All,
Today we had a brief interview session of about 25- 30 minutes with Chris Procter at his office located at Maxuell building University of Salford. Chris Procter began by introducing the recent projects he is working on like the Unite Project which he is the director, getting more British students to join the post-graduate programs with other smaller projects and finally narrates on the Unite Project.
All my group teams members were present during the interview session and below are the roles of each team member.
The video above gives a detailed run down of the interview session and below is a snap shot with Chris after the interview session.

Group picture with Chris Procter after the Interview session

Group picture with Chris Procter after the Interview session

Facebook for Small Business (Webinar feedback)

The webinar below lays emphasis on social media communication as a business tool to satisfy customers. The webinar also defines social media as a web based technology to communicate effectively and critically considered the basic social media strategy like, monitoring what others are doing, listening, posting, tweeting, networking with other business client, driving people to connect to your business, linking and engaging in the various social network websites like Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, Delicious, Flicker, etc all these strategy will help any business become grow rapidly.

The webinar from Christine Skiffington and Aaron Nye discusses Facebook to be a web-based technology that is used for communication and describes how to create a Facebook page for any business by setting up your page, putting in the business information, uploading the pictures related to the business, using the Facebook notes for longer messages and setting up the admins. Ultimately, Christine Skiffington enumerates six basic rules for Facebook content namely: “add new content regularly, post information relevant to your business audience, show your business personality, be creative, and keep it short, link to other ideas if necessary”.

Lastly, Aaron Nye rounds up with a quick reminder that Facebook page is used to create a Facebook website which is appropriate for all businesses and can be seen as a very good and free Information Technology application for various business (both small and large companies) Continue reading