Non-Redundant 3-Tier Architecture

Below shows a non-redundant 3-tier architecture template usually employed primary for basic test of the interactivity between each architecture tier and for development purposes to save on resources and costs.  Since there are dedicated servers for each tier of the application/site, it is often not recommended for production environments.


Non-Redundant 3-Tier Architecture Template
(Source: RightScale, 2012)



One of the huge technological trend these days is cloud computing. Many businesses are faced with the basic decision of either accepting this technology as well as transmit data versus customer’s data to “the advanced cloud” were the information could be hosted or data managed. While many companies are intrigued with the savings promised by sending their information to the cloud, money should not be a criterion for determining this decision. Cloud computing is not without risk, just like every other online endeavour cloud computing is significant

The perils of cloud computing can be critically seen when cloud computing follows the desired plan by so doing outsourcing a significant aspect of managing business information electronically. Alternatively when cloud computing goes “off the rails” the results can be very worst. For instance firstly, in 2011 one of the largest entertainment industry in the world experienced a devastating cloud computing breach. According to report of the incident, computer hackers infiltrated the cloud-computing company of which the entertainment firm had entrusted data to. 100 million customer account files were compromised because the hackers had a legitimate account set up with the cloud computing site, the cloud breach in this situation was an exceptional scenario. Secondly, the was a cloud-security breach which involved a company that delivers e-mail services  to other businesses and was in charge of over 40 billion e-mails annually for more than “2,000 global brands.” After the breach in 2011, the hacked company specified that “clients’ customer data were made public by an unauthorized entry into the company’s email system. When the breach was discovered, a lot of customers of the e-mail services company sent warnings to their own customers informing them to the existence of the stolen information.


The Three Ways to Cloud Compute

This cloud computing video explains SaaS, PaaS and Iaas — otherwise known as “software as a service”, “platform as a service” and “infrastructure as a service”. It is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt, author of and “A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing” (Robinson, 2010), and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University Business School. For more information on cloud computing please see


Cloud Computing for SMEs – Global Opportunities & Challenges

Subrata Dhara SMEs do not quickly take advantage of IT/IS due to the believe of high cost and inability to effectively utilise the technology advancement. Consequently, they tend to be faced with issues in the management of their supply chains, financials, inventories, customer relationships, and human resources. The advancement to Cloud detolorates the cost burden of using IT for SMEs, especially because Cloud services provided access to on a usage based pricing model. However scalability, flexibility, and On-Demand service are other benefits associated with cloud. Hence it is ascertained that the adoption of the Cloud, amongst the SMEs could be the highest in comparison to the rest of the business community.


The Future of Cloud Computing (7/19/11)

Timothy Chou, Pioneer in Software on Demand; Author; Former CEO, Oracle On-Demand

Simon Crosby, Founder and CTO, Bromium Inc., Former CTO, Citrix Systems
Gina Tomlinson, CTO, City and County of San Francisco, Department of Technology
Abhijit Phanse, CEO, UnitedLayer, Managing Partner, Accelon Capital — Moderator

A panel of tech insiders discuses the diverse form of cloud computing. The talk explores the privacy, accessibility, security challenges and the opportunities for excellent resource progression. The gave their opinions on what is cloud computing, how cloud computing works and where it will be in the next few years. However is is emphasized that everyone uses customer application cloud services weather it is twitter, Facebook, Ebay or Amazon.



What is Cloud Computing?

What is Cloud Computing?

This video presented by salesforce  illustrates cloud computing as a better way for business success. Business applications are migrating to the cloud. It’s not just a fad—the paradigm shift from traditional software models to the Internet has steadily gained momentum over the last 10 years. Looking at the future, the next decade of cloud computing promises new ways to collaborate everywhere, through mobile devices.


User: sfdcmktg – Added: 25/02/09

Flying Blind Into The Cloud? Webinar/ Preview

Flying Blind Into The Cloud? Webinar/ Preview

The webinar presented by John Enck Managing vice president Gartner and Antonio Piraino CTO ScienceLogic discusses  what type of cloud service provider one should use before and after migrating to the cloud. According to John, tools that are cloud specific and can draw into the cloud are very essential for moving into the cloud. That is tools that will give one a depth of margin and level of feasibility. In addition staffing considerations should be meet.


From ScienceLogic (Marketwire – Mar 21, 2012)