Cloud computing white paper entitled “Survival of the fittest” by Roland Berger and SAP

Cloud computing white paper by Roland Berger and SAP

Roland Berger and SAP produced a white paper seen on the link above entitled “Survival of the fittest”, which argues that cloud computing has a vital role if adapted to Europe’s opportunity. In addition the necessary condition for the implementation of cloud computing was discussed by Carsten Rossbach.

Although security risks and external threats needs to be addressed, European community has got all the skills needed to explore the cloud. One of the essential ones would be the idea of a European Cloud Gold Standard, which bundles all factors of cloud security into one quality seal. Indeed the authors uses  this medium to enlighten as well as draw the road map for cloud computing to an excellent and attainable height for the European community.


Class Team Work Presentation Using Prezi on The Topic Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

image[3] by srilekhabeathi1

image[10] by srilekhabeathi1

We presented a group prezi presentation on Value Stream Mapping (VSM), which includes what is VSM?, methodology of VSM  that is, Lean methodology, Application of VSM in service industries and organizations using VSM. VSM was first identified and used by Toyota, VSM IS also used by Dell and it is also used in Health Care and Military.

BY: Ackley Nsikan, Srilekha Tuedon, Tonia, Anne

Arguments and Studies Supporting/Against Business and IT/IS Strategy Alignment

  Arguments and Studies Supporting/Against Business and IT/IS Strategy Alignment

The argument will be drawn from various literatures example (Brancheau, Janz, & Wetherbe, 1996) discovered that in 68 organizations IS/IT manager failed to align IS with business. (Lederer & Mendel, 1989) also found that coordination of IS/IT with business is the second challenge to 107 organizations and should be tackled greatly.

Dearden as cited in the work of (Janson, 1989) claims from the case he represented in his work of different business organizations ranging from small to large, that IS/IT with business alignment should not be taken in isolation. He stresses on the need for IS/IT irrespective of organization size.

McBride as cited in the work of (Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, 2010) emphasises through his description on the pattern in which organizations  accomplish the value of its peak using some identified IT/IS basic.Henderson and Venkatraman, describe in one of their paper that strategic alignment involves IT infrastructure, business strategy, IT strategy and business infrastructure between functional Integration and strategic fit. (Henderson & Venkatraman, 1993).(Luftman 2000) equally support the motion  that strategic alignment refers to applying information technology together with business strategy aims in other to make IT become a driver.

In contrast (Ciborra, 1997) also argued that even if there may be some green light in strategic alignment, the outcome diminishes shortly. Smaczny opines from his anecdotal evidence, experience as a CIO with various years of in banking companies, that IT/IS should be seen as a function which is fused into the business. That is IT/IS should be discovered and implanted at the same time not considering alignment. (Smaczny, 2001)

According to (Beveridge, nd) an independent consultant of the National Computing Centre Information technology strategies are often bolted on to the business as an afterthought rather than being viewed as a business driver. This situation can only be rectified by obtaining an indebt alignment of the various IT infrastructures like the efficiency drive and the need to differentiate dive for effectiveness. For instance Nugent (2004, p 1 cited in the work of (Grant, Hackney, & Edgar, 2010) opines that ‘IT/business alignment is not a “nice-to-have”; it is a “must-have” because it brings lasting reward’. For this reason information system strategy should not be set as a subsequent task where the business goals may have probably been set with slightly different focus. Information system strategy should mainly be established as an integral part of the business strategy.


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, M. A. (2010, March). Strategic Information Systems Alignment:Alignment of IS/IT with Business Strategy. Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.6, P 121-124. doi:10.3745/JIPS.2010.6.1.121

Brancheau, J. C., Janz, B. D., & Wetherbe, J. C. (1996, June). Key issues in information system management. MIS QUARTERLY, 20, 242-225. Retrieved June 15, 2013

Grant, K., Hackney, R., & Edgar, D. (2010). Strategic Informtion System Management. United Kingdom: Seng Lee Press. Retrieved May 29, 2013

Lederer, A., & Salmela, H. (1996). Toward a theory of strategic information system planing. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, vol 5, 237-253. Retrieved June 18, 2013

Smaczny, T. (2001, October). IT an alignment between business and IT the appropriate paradigm to manage IT in todays organization. Management Decision(ISSN 0025-1747), 797-802. Retrieved June 18, 2013, from http//

IT Challenges of Small and Medium Sized Businesses

Small and medium sized businesses had some challenges that do not exist in large businesses. Small/Medium business owners have the same requirements to communicate effectively with customers and address technology needs; they do not have the budget to hire dedicated specialists to handle their requirements. An example would be the need for shared calendaring, Customer Relations Management database, or perhaps VPN connections for remote sales people. In the past, a company had to be sufficiently large to be able to justify having a security expert, a DBA or an email messaging specialist to handle their needs.

Having an IT person or staff with the right skills is only part of the issue that small companies face. Hiring consultants or outsourcing the work addresses only part of the problem as there is the cost of the hardware, software licensing, customizations and maintaining the software.

The small to medium sized business now have the same tools that the large and enterprise companies have been using to gain market share, effectively communicate and continue to make a difference to the bottom line are now available for the small and medium sized business. The tools that are available are not new, but are available in an open source format. The tools utilize scalable database and web technology similar to that which is used for sites such as Yahoo. Small and medium sized business can utilize the software listed below, with the same functionality as a large corporation at a fraction of the cost.

Reference: IT Challenges of Small and Medium Sized Businesses

Bridging Information Technology and Business

Business strategies of today’s companies are influenced by the permanent change of the relevant IT environment. This change, has to be controlled by the companies and is mainly driven by factors such as increased market dynamics, higher customer requirements, new technologies, broader competition boundaries and new innovative products and processes.

This gives brings about the fact that information, and its processing by means of IT, becomes a critical success factor. Therefore, the challenge of strategic management is to find competent approaches to bring business and information technology together.

In present and future markets, competitiveness requires carefully directed electronic information interchange in and between companies as a major aspect of business process management systems. An efficient (and also effective) use of information technology requires the interpretation, analysis and redesign of these information flows levering IT for transforming business processes. But simply adapting IT to already existing processes will not provide the expected competitive advantage. The redesign of information flows, and therefore of business processes, is important for a better support through technical systems.

The concept of the Strategic Alignment Model is developed using two fundamental dimensions: strategic fit and functional integration. Strategic fit recognises the need to make choices about the business status in the external market place and about the best internal structure of the company to execute exactly this market positioning strategy.

The redesigning of businesses have to be analysed and assessed along with the proof of the strategic attractiveness of reorganisation efforts and their economic benefits. Goals for the redesign project have to be set, plans have to be drawn up, results have to be monitored against the plans, cooperations have to be initiated etc.

Reference: Bridging Information Technology and Business

Supply Chain Management

The Video illustrates the various issues of supply chain management using examples of different multi-purpose companies and how it relates to business. Supply chain can be seen as the integrated way of managing the business and its enterprise in other to meet the customer expectations.

By CommenceCRMSoftware, 2nd June 2010
school of Engineering and Technology:
Bachelor of Technology In Mechanical Engineering (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) — BTME :
Second Year :
BME-013 Production ManagementBy CommenceCRMSoftware, 2nd June 2010

What is Supply Chain Management? (ASU-WPC-SCM)

This video illustrates the importance of supply chain management and the skill sets in our modern global economy for both manufacturing and service industries. In defining supply chain management, the video went further to educate and inspire business students, young and old, about the opportunities available to those with supply chain management degrees.

By W.P Carey School of Business, 6 April, 2010.