Unite Project Experience, Business Models and application to SME

Small and medium enterprise can be defined “as those companies whose personal number falls below certain limit” (Wikipedia, Small and meduim enterprises, 2008)  SME involves human and material resources operating together to achieve a common goal (that is collaboration). According to (Frost & Sullivan, 2006) there exists a general belief that the more a business firm is “collaborative” the more successful it will be.

Collaboration creates room for excellent innovative contribution and ideas. SME do not function alone. My team working skill was built upon when working with my team members from difference race, culture and groups. Completing of the team tasks was made easier with little or no mistakes through every team member collaborating with one another. I feel great managing and working with human and material resources which are a major part of SME business development. In the same way, the case study – Unite project involves six Universities working in collaboration, the all share information together and work towards a certain target and goal (that is maximize the impact of SME in the North West of England). Hence, from my research and during the course of this project with my team members’ collaboration can improve the performance of SME and remains a vital tool for business development.

Besides, SME need communication in other to grow from the top management level to the downstream level.  From the Unite project research it is evident that the linking of the student to the employers and vice versa can only be successful with an efficient communication channel. I have excellent communication skill through the communications with my team members.  A group WhatsApp, Twitter, Viber, texting and emailing were the communication channels utilized. Therefore, SME need excellent communication channels for networking and development of their business.

Above all, I learnt organization skill and can manage an SME in the near future. In the same way, when carrying out my role and responsibility in the team, I diligently planned a schedule to avoid errors. Similarly, the Unite project group from the research result gathered were able to meet up with the target set by the funding body for the past three years because the Unite project group works with a structured target for the different seasons of the year. I also learnt that to fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. The Unite project group utilized organization skills too. In the same way SME need to have an organized work layout to achieve their goals.


Frost, & Sullivan. (2006, June 5). “New Research Reveals collaboration Is a Key Driver of Business Performance Arounf the World”. (Whitepaper, Producer, & Microsoft Press) Retrieved October 9, 2013, from webspace.sage.edu: http://webspace.sage.edu/cis/demisd/is/module-2/collaboration%20&%20teamwork%20project/MIS13_CH02_LT2_CollaborationandTeamwork.pdf

Wikipedia. (2008, July). Small and meduim enterprises. Retrieved October 11, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_and_medium_enterprises

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